luffy bedding and accommodating amenities have us loving the chance for a hotel stay, but before you climb into those covers and get cozy with that remote, there are a few things you should know about common hotel rooms.

A family of four, a businessman, a couple on vacation, you never know who’s been inhabiting your room just hours before your arrival. With as little as fifteen minutes to devote to your living space, housekeepers rush to clean and sanitize in half the time they once did, and you want to avoid coming into contact with those germs, allergens, and toxins as much as possible.

Here are the top three sources to disinfect, or avoid altogether, as you enter your room:

1. Common Features

Think about what you reach for most often when staying in a hotel: light switches, doorknobs, coffee pots, glasses, the remote control. Studies have found these items to be the most riddled with bacteria and are too often overlooked when speeding through a cleaning.

2.Cozy Bedding

Bed bugs can live for months without eating and can survive in nearly any temperature. They hide beneath mattress seams and around headboards, leaving notorious bloodstains behind as proof that you have unwelcome roommates. Those oversize comforters, handy love seats, and dark carpets rarely see a good cleaning either, giving dust mites a paradise for breeding and triggering your allergies.

3.Indoor Air Quality

Between the abundance of cleaning products, poor ventilation, neglected HVAC units, and whatever the previous occupants left behind, airborne contaminants can run rampant. Even if your room was cleaned thoroughly, many conditions, including the flu, can spread through airborne pathogens from that last ever-lingering sneeze or cough.

If you suffer from respiratory issues or allergies, staying in a hotel room without taking precautions can turn your pampered stay into a miserable, or even toxic, night out.

While you can’t guarantee a healthy rest in a hotel, you can make sure your indoor air quality at home never resembles those hotel horror stories.

Protect yourself and your loved ones from unchecked pathogens by securing CleanAlert’s FILTERSCAN® WiFi HOME, sending you alerts when your indoor air quality is compromised by a clogged air filter, and giving you the peace of mind to rest easy.